Our Strong Commitment to Health and Safety

Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services take all our legal and moral obligations to health and safety extremely seriously. So much so, we employ the services of our own health and safety consultant to ensure we are fully compliant with all UK regulations. We are regularly audited and inspected to ensure are systems and procedures are as robust as they can be. Our safety consultants are Peninsula.
Health and Safety Policy - Contractor Policy and Statement of Intent.
Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services aims to provide a safe environment for all our employees, visitors, contractors and guests.
Our Health and Safety Policy details our aims and objectives of how we achieve this along with individual responsibilities.
Our goal is to achieve a zero accident environment and by the implementation, monitoring and rigorous enforcement of all our policies, procedures and safe systems of work, we believe that by working closely with our employees, contractors and suppliers, this can be realised.
Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services operates a ‘near miss’ policy in line with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive, all our contractors working on site are required to comply with it.
To ensure safe working practices are adhered to at all times, regular spot audits will be undertaken by our Health and Safety Consultant or other competent personnel.
These audits will be assessed and recorded on our contractor file.
Comments from our Health and Safety Consultants
Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services requested the professional safety services of my company to review and advice on their current health and safety policies and procedures. Since the initial introductory meetings, I am delighted to announce the two organisations have formed an on-going partnership. Throughout my contact with Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services, I have found them to be extremely pro-active with regards to their safety procedures along with their current, and new safe systems of work and their willingness to embrace and implement new systems, policies and procedures.
Although Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services were already extremely advanced in their outlook to health and safety compliance, this partnership underpins their commitment to ensuring a safe working environment for all their employees, contractors and business clients. They have also demonstrated their eagerness to ensure they operate their business within the framework of all UK health and safety legal and moral obligations. I am delighted to offer my full support to the safety principles and practices of Yorkshire Building Maintenance Services.